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Sunday, March 28, 2010


Have I ever told you that I love Spring? Oh, I haven't? Ok, well then...


{That was a little dramatic.}

Anyways... the other day I noticed that the blossoms on our neighbors trees have finally bloomed into pretty little flowers. I was so excited! I was so excited that I just had to take some pictures to show you guys. Here is a collage of a few of my favorites...

{click on the picture if you want to see it bigger}

{all pictures were taken and edited by me}

Aren't they pretty? They just make me so happy. (:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fix-it Friday

This week's Fix-it Friday photo is of this cutle little girl named Abigail. Like I said on my last Fix-it Friday photo... I don't have any actual photo-editing program, so I just used Picnik. I'm lame, I know. I just thought that I would join the fun. (:

Here is the original photo:

and here are my two edits:

Comment and let me know what one is your favorite! (:

Dear Blog,

I'm soo very sorry that I have neglected you for more than a week! I have just been really busy with school and other things, so will you please forgive me? Sometimes I run out of ideas on what to write on your little 550 pixels of space. (Yes, that is exact ;)) I will think of something ASAP, I promise!

Love your dearest writer,

Or in other words...

Dear Readers,
(For the very few that I have out there that actually read my blog) I am sorry I haven't been posting as consistent as I should be. I have been reeeaallly busy with school. It's such a pain, but I'm trying my hardest to get straight A's. I will admit... it's not that easy when you decide to procrastinate and do things the last minute. And I'm not even in high school yet! sheeeesh.
Anyways, please forgive me.. I will post something ASAP!

Thank you tons!


While you wait for me to actually post something... enjoy this picture of my cute little baby cousin that we babysat over the weekend.

{he was eating Nutella, haha}

Friday, March 12, 2010

Vintage Pearl Giveaway!

I am entering ANOTHER Vintage Pearl giveaway! They are giving away a a $50 gift certificate to their website. To enter go here!

I think I'm a little bit desperate! ;) just kiddin...

Blog Train: Spring is in the Air!

Spring is almost here! So to honor that I hooked up with Kenzie from Cute Links For You and Taylor from BYUTATORTOT Designs and started a blog train! The theme is: Spring is in the air! So here is what we made:

Kenzie from Cute Links For You made a calender desktop theme:

To use it just click on the picture, right click and save it to your computer, and then set it as your desktop background.

Taylor from BYUTATORTOT Designs made a background and header:

To use it just follow her instructions on her blog.

And I made a digital scrapbooking page layout:
You can add text and images by clicking on the picture, right click and save it on your computer, then open in it in a photo editing program and add your images and text.

Hope you enjoy!
Be sure to check out Cute Links For You and BYUTATORTOT Designs!

**You download this FREE kit from Meagans Creations**

Sights of Spring

This week we have a week off from school for spring break! This year, my family just decided to stay home and find things to do here. So lately I've been doing a lot of this...

kicken back and relaxin...

Unfortunately, it has been raining this whole week... except for today! The sun was shining bright this morning, and I was so glad to see it. Maybe Spring really is coming?
Here are a few sights of Spring that I captured today:

{These little suckers keep popping up everywhere on our lawn!}

is my favorite season out of all, so I can't wait until it is actually here!

I Heart Faces: Fix-it Friday

I have recently just started to follow this photography blog called 'I Heart Faces'. I'm not much of a photographer, but I do enjoy taking pictures and editing them. Maybe... just maybe, I will start a business when I'm older. Anyways, every friday they have a thing called 'Fix-it Friday' where they give you a low-quality picture and you have the chance to edit the picture to make it look better. So I decided to participate in this weeks 'Fix-it Friday'. It's not a contest or anything... just for fun!

Here is the photo that I attempted to edit:

{you can go to their blog to see the original picture}
Unfortunately, I don't have a photo editing progrom like photoshop or anything so I used (Lame... I know!)

What do you think? Any tips?

Click on the button below to go to their blog:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dear Friends,

you guys are da bomb.

{ ^taylor, sadie, me^ }

thanks for hanging out with me on this boring-rain-filled spring break! our adventure was pretty awesome.

♥love ya tons,

P.S.- sorry kenzie that you couldn't be in the picture, you left before we took it! :(

Saturday, March 6, 2010

New Blog Design

I got a new blog design.... AGAIN! I learned how to make my own background by uploading paper from a digital scrapbooking kit to my HTML. It was really easy. You can go to April Showers Blog Design for the tutorial I used. She has other great tutorials, so you should check them out! My wonderful friend Kenzie, that I've mentioned a billion of times, made my fabulous header! I love that it is simple, but super cute at the same time. Thanks again, Kenzie! I also redid my button so if you have my button on your blog, then you might want to change it! Or if you don't have my button AT ALL then you should definately grab it and add it to your blog.
You can get the code below or on my sidebar:

This is Kaylee

The kit I used for my blog design is from Shabby Princess. Shabby Princess has really, really cute free kits! The kit I used is called "Festival". You can go here to download, then check out their other freebies here.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Colbie Caillat Concert

Ok, I know it's been forever since I actually posted something interesting. It's the end of the quarter at our school and so I've been really busy getting my school work done. Anyways... last Friday, the 26th of Feb, my mom and I got to go to the Colbie Caillat concert! I got tickets for 2nd row seating for my birthday. I actually only knew about 4-5 of her songs, but it was still really fun to see her. If you don't know who she is, you should try looking her up and listen to some of her songs. Her songs aren't the "ROCK ON" type... they are more calm and relaxing. The show was great! Here are a few good pics that I took:

This is Justin Young. He is a part of Colbie's band. He is the one who opened the show for her. He was surprisingly really good I actually really liked him!

Colbie Caillat!

I think this is when she was singing "Falling for you"

More Colbie...

Ok, this is a bad picture but this guy was awesome! He was the stage manager! Colbie thought it would be fun to make him sing for the audience, so he did. He was pretty good. I believe his name was Adam. No offense to him or anything, but he kind of looked like a leprechaun. He was really short, had long red hair, a beard and a mustache! awesome. (:

The band! Sorry I don't know all their names... :/

So that was the concert! Colbie and Justin had a great sense of humor, and the show was awesome. I wish I could post some videos but blogger won't upload the video's file type. (Anyone know how to fix that?? I used my digital camera to film, so maybe thats why.) Anyways, I had a great time. Thanks mom and dad!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Another Vintage Pearl Giveaway!

So The Vintage pearl is having another great giveaway! I unfortunately didn't win the last one so I'm entering again. Erin is giving away a "I'd pick you" necklace with a cute little pearl attached. You also get an additional $25 gift certificate to spend on yourself.

So cute!
To enter, go here
Good luck!